March 26, 1998. Mississippi . "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Perfect verse for today. Daddy is in the presence of the Lord. We buried him today under blue skies. After all was said and done, we—the children, Mother, and our extended families—sang over Daddy's grave, as we picked flowers for ourselves, a constant reminder of the resurrection of the body. We would see him again. A thousand images of Daddy raced through my mind. He was a giant of a man. A prince, loving, carring. A hard worker, but never a slave to anything or anyone but the Lord and his family. He had no enemies. His presence filled a room. His laughter was contagious. His compassion, unsurpassed. The sting of death did not touch him, though it left us aching inside. From HOUSE NOT MADE WITH HANDS, published 2007. Jane Bennett Gaddy Daddy, I will miss you till the day I die, and I love you even more— Charlie Patterson Bennett, Sr. February 3, 1910—March 24, 19...