It's True! There's a Book Signing in Memphis!

All my Memphis and North Mississippi friends are so invited! Holly Joyner's House (Holly's my beautiful granddaughter!) 115 Walnut Creek Road Cordova, Tennessee 38018 Saturday, August 18, 2012 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There is no more familiar place to me than Memphis. It was my town for many years. Like my coming-up trip to Clarksdale, going back to Memphis is always like going home again. I have so many ties to the old Bluff City. My son and grandson are there! Sleepy head! This kid is amazing. Both of them are! They have lived in Midtown for well over ten years, almost as long as we've had Harrison, who is now thirteen! Where did the time go? And, my granddaughters are there with their lovely families, which makes Memphis Town special, indeed. This is Nichol and hers! And this is Holly and hers! So you can see, coming to my signing in Memphis will have lots of bonuses! I won't be able to call names and ...